2020 was declared Volunteer Year in Kazakhstan. Initiative people across the country come together to help those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The support of caring Kazakhstani people was especially relevant during the coronavirus pandemic.
At the end of the Volunteer Year and in celebration of its birthday Kazzinc launched a large-scale action “Warm Heart” to especially acknowledge thoughtful people of our region.
3,000 bright-colored bracelets depicting a heart as a symbol of kindness and compassion were sent to representatives of various organizations. Among them are university and college students, youth organizations, community associations, animal shelters and volunteer teams.
Organizations that received the bracelets will pass them on to their activists and caring people who they work with.
All company operations also received distinctive insignia. Kazzinc volunteers provide support to those in need from the beginning of the Volunteer Year and throughout the entire period of restrictions. Volunteer groups were formed from among initiative personnel in each operation of Kazzinc in six towns of Kazakhstan.