The Lead Plant, Ust-Kamenogorsk Metallurgical Complex, yields some indium generated in the processing of Pb and Cu dust.
Product Name:
Production Site
Lead Plant, Ust-Kamenogorsk Metallurgical Complex
Process Flowsheet
Extraction and purification of indium re-extract, production of briquettes, melting and refining of indium briquettes when Cu and Pb Plant dusts are treated.
Production output per year:
1 tpa
- spaceships
- Indium is used to seal the rockets and fabricate viewport seals. Indium increases corrosion resistance.
- scanners
- liquid crystal displays
- Indium is luminescent and makes the screen glow
- headlights
- Not only indium makes things glow, but also enhances their resistance to weather impact and is used to manufacture headlights for these reasons.
In (min) | 99.97% |
Fe (max) | 0.001% |
Cd (max) | 0.004% |
Cu (max) | 0.001% |
As (max) | 0.001% |
Ni (max) | 0.0005% |
Sn (max) | 0,002% |
Hg (max) | 0.005% |
Pb (max) | 0.005% |
Tl (max) | 0.001% |