Caring for nature
Over KZT110 bln have been spent on environmental protection over the past 26 years.
Over 144 thousand tons of dust are captured and recycled (99.1% of the generated amount).
Over 423,3 thousand tons of SO2 are captured and recycled (94% of the generated amount).
Four acid plants operate at the smelters.
Reduction of SO2 and Pb emissions
Increased share of water disposal and recycling
Waste disposal, recycling and value-added use
SO2 emission reduction trend
Water recycling
Ust-Kamenogorsk Metallurgical Complex
Ridder and Altay Mining and Concentrating Complexes
There are 51 types of wastes including:

Environmental protection technologies
The Company applies state-of-art equipment and methods from:
North America
Staff development
Highly qualified talented personnel are our most valuable asset.
Kazzinc employs over 29,000 people (together with contractors) representing more than 500 different professions.
Over a quarter of our employees have higher education.
Those included in the talent pool can receive the relevant higher education financed by Kazzinc.
Our people go to Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Turkey, the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa and other countries to share professional experience and proficiency enhancement.
There are 10 faculties in the Corporate University.
11,000 employees take annual training courses paid by the Company.
Typical kazzinc

Social activities

Health Care
- Construction and renovation of medical institutions
- Training of doctors and providing relocation allowance
- Procurement of medical equipment

- Construction and renovation of schools and kindergartens
- Financing the purchase of up-to-date equipment for schools, colleges and higher educational institutions

Urban Improvement
- Building kids playgrounds
- Street and road repairs
- Reconstruction of utilities
- Provision of leisure amenities

Targeted Aid
- Supporting the persons with disabilities
- Supporting large families with minors
- Sponsoring the treatment and medical examination of critical patients
- Kazzinc's social budget topped KZT11 billion in 2019.
Kazzinc co-sponsored the construction of the following sports facilities:

Smash Tennis Center

Olga Rypakova Field-and-Track Training Center

Central Swimming Pool

Martial Arts Arena

Boarding School for Athletically Gifted Children

Altay Hockey Rink
Kazzinc co-financed renovation of the following sports facilities:

Multi-Disciplinary Sports Complex, Ridder

B. Alexandrov Palace of Sports

Successful sportsmen trained in the facilities co-financed by Kazzinc:
- 300 Candidates for Masters of Sports
- 60 Masters of Sports of Kazakhstan
- 15 International Masters of Sports
- 453 Kazakhstan champions
- 36 Asian champions
- 7 winners of the international sport events
Support for kazakhstan manufacturers
When the price, quality and delivery terms offered by the domestic producers are no worse than imported, the preference is given to the locals
The Company outsources everything beyond its production process
Kazzinc is one of the top-three East Kazakhstan companies to procure local goods and services
Over 70% of the Kazzinc partners are Kazakhstan-based companies
Kazzinc maintains an ongoing cooperation with more than 600 Kazakhstan-based enterprises
Every year Kazzinc enters into 14,000 contracts and agreements with Kazakhstan companies
The value of long-term agreements with local partners is over KZT61 billion annually
The Company was honored with two Golden Hephaestus awards for its contribution into Kazakhstan content development
In 2019, more than 1,600 local companies were engaged in the construction of the concentrator in Zhairem, Karagandy Region
Since Kazzinc foundation, 38 small and medium-sized businesses have been established with assistance from Kazzinc
Personnel safety
People, their lives and health are the highest values of the Company, therefore safety aspects are always in focus.
Since 2006 Kazzinc runs a health and safety management system that conforms to the international standards.
All employees are covered with a comprehensive occupational injury prevention program.
The employees are provided with the efficient modern personal protective equipment.
The key safety principle is carved in stone - zero tolerance to unsafe work conditions.
The Company promotes everyone’s commitment to safety.
Kazzinc applies financial and non-financial incentives for personnel contribution to creating and maintaining safe work environment.
Zero injuries are a core target of all those measures.

SafeWork, a comprehensive multi-phased project, was launched in 2013.
The ultimate objective of this project is to establish responsible and careful attitude to safety.
Risk Identification
The risk controls were identified, and the personnel attend workplace risk identification training sessions.
Project Profile
The project utilizes the recognized practices of similar operations in Australia, Canada, South Africa, Germany, etc., where the best globally known occupational safety systems were implemented.
Large-Scale Challenge
Kazzinc takes the comprehensive and consistent steps critical for identification and description of the site-specific fatal hazards.
High-Quality Training
Kazzinc has built two field training facilities meeting the global standards in order to improve the training efficiency.